We have the solution to computer's addiction

App development: A special online program for children and teens


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    What do we do with the screen?

    This is of course not the first time that you are hearing about the dangers of the age of computers and the internet. Researchers and psychologists warn about the destructive influence of too much “screen time”. There are those who describe addiction to the computer and content on the web as an epidemic which threatens children’s healthy development in the areas of thinking and expression, as well as in the personal and social spheres. So what do we do? Cut the children off from the computer? From the internet? From their smartphones? How possible is that?

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    Like a vaccine

    Here at Tekkie Uni we have adopted a different approach in order to deal with this issue. Similar to a vaccination, in order to overcome the dangers of a computer, we use the computer itself. When children learn to program, their attitude toward the computer does a 180-degree turnaround; from being passive to active. They go from being “addicted” users that have no real control over the content they get from the computer, to being able to determine for themselves what will happen there.

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    With us, it’s not just programming

    To program is to be able to create whole worlds from nothing. This is an amazing and rare ability. The computer can go from being a threat to a tool with amazing potential for development, creativity and innovation. This is exactly what we do in our programming courses: we give children the knowledge and tools which allows them to think, to plan, and to work in a team to solve problems and to bring their ideas to fruition. In programming, and in life.
    If you want your children to take part in our innovative program, leave your details and we will get back to you as soon as possible to give you more information about enrollment.  

Industry Leaders in TEACHING Online Skills

Project Based Learning

Code is a means of creative expression. We empower students to build apps that are important to them, and to actively lead the project from A to Z.


Our instructor encourages us to make, to create. Owen Clarke, 13
By the middle of the first course coding felt like the most natural thing for me to do. Lori Rogers, 16
Naomi, our instructor, was always there for me, making sure I get it all right. Patrick Taylor, 14

The Tekkie Uni Way

Among Our Courporate Customers:

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Tekkie Uni proudly and successfully teaches kids to code apps through the leading coding companies in the world.

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